If you want to limit the total number of tickets that will be sold and picked up at a specific Will Call Location, you'll want to use the W/C Location Limit feature which is located on the Ticket tab when editing a ticketed event.
A good example on why you would want to use this feature, consider this scenario. Business A wants to only host 100 guests for the entire event, while Business B wants to host 200 for the event.
NOTE: If you are planning on offering more than one ticket level, mapped to the same W/C Locations, be sure to understand that the system will check availability across all tickets for the total number of tickets added to their cart. It will also limit the choice of W/C Location to one one location per group of tickets levels. This is done to optimize the checkout experience.
Setting Max Limits
After creating your ticketed event, and before you publish, you'll need to enable this feature as once your event is published and the first ticket is sold, this feature will no longer be available to your event.
- On the Tickets tab, locate the W/C Location Limit feature which is located just to the right of Max Tickets/Order field.
- Click the Set Limits link.
- This is where you will manage all of your Will Call Locations for your event. Click the Add Location link. Doing so will add a default address below in the Will Call Locations display.
NOTE: If you need an address your account does not have access to, see Adding Will Call Locations below.
- Using the dropdown, you can update from the available Locations to be your first W/C Location.
- Continue to add other Locations until complete.
- Now, review and set the Max Limits you would like to set for each W/C Location. Setting "0" will allow unlimited tickets to be sold.
- Click the Save, button when done.
- Click Back to Tickets button located in the top right.
- Now, click the Set Limits checkbox.
- Click the Save, button when done.
Ticket Level Limits vs Event Level Limits Logic
Note that the platform can offer further sales restrictions on a ticket level by setting the number of tickets available in general, then for each W/C Location and the Event level restrictions discussed here.
Setting the values at the ticket level will further control your limits. So consider individual Ticket levels overriding the max limits over Event level controls. If you do not want these two limits to conflict, we recommend setting "0" at the Ticket level and only use the Event level limits feature.
Adding Will Call Locations
Some CellarPass accounts have access to add their own Locations that are beyond their own business address without technical support assistance. This is located in Business, Locations.
If you need to add Locations that are not located at your business address you will need to request that your W/C Locations be added to your account. In the ticket be sure to include all the relevant details, including business name and full address for all necessary additions. Once added to your account, you will not have to make these requests to use these addresses and locations at subsequent events.
Deleting W/C Locations
You can delete W/C Locations at any time to remove the option from checkout, this will not effect any existing orders. If the selected W/C Location is no longer participating in your event, you will need to update every order that has this W/C Location selected and reach out to the guests for their alternative delivery location.
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