If you are using Add-Ons or UpSells for your experiences, there's a great report that can be used to help you understand the total amount of each Add-On or UpSell you need readied for each day (or date range), then view the associated reservations to ensure they are delivered seamlessly to your guests.
Add-Ons Dashboard (includes UpSells)
- Log into the CellarPass admin panel by going to https://www.cellarpass.com/manage
- Select Experiences from the left-hand menu.
- From the submenu, select Add-Ons Dashboard.
- From the date picker located at the top, right-hand side of the screen, select a single date or date range.
- Click Go.
- Doing so will generate a report that is exportable in the following formats: PDF, Excel, CSV, Copy and Print)
- There are two sections: Add-Ons Summary and Add-Ons Detailed.
- Add-Ons Summary will show you a sum total of each individual Add-On ordered.
- Add-Ons Detailed will show you the individual reservations and their associated Add-Ons or UpSells ordered.
NOTE: If you plan on exporting data for a date range, note that the export does not include the dates in the Detailed section, so we recommend exporting the report individually for each date instead.
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